Parachute Engineering
Jun 2, 2020 · 2 min read
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Parachute Tips

How Parachute Protects You If Someone Grabs Your Phone

Parachute comes with advanced and powerful features to protect you even if someone manages to get a hold of your phone during the emergency.

Superlock. Superlock prevents them from stopping the recording and livestream, even if they try to turn your phone off 

Multi-Camera. Simultaneous recording from the front and back cameras increases the chance of them being caught on camera as they look at your phone 

Cloud Storage. Your evidence is saved away from your phone as it’s being live-streamed, so it’s kept safe even if your phone is destroyed. You and your emergency contacts can review the incident and download the evidence while the emergency is in progress and after it’s over 

Evidence Wiping. The evidence you record is wiped clean as soon as it’s pushed off your phone, so they won’t find anything even if they force you to reveal your passcode or manage to break your iPhone’s encryption 

Checkup. Checkup is a backup option that will alert your emergency contacts and give them your last known location and emergency notes even if you are not able to activate Parachute at the time of the emergency. Originally developed to let changemakers around the world automatically pass information to their colleagues if they suddenly go missing 

The Parachute team is always here to help you make the best of Parachute and tailor it to fit your safety needs.

Parachute is the most powerful safety app in the world. In the event of an emergency, it texts, calls and emails your friends and loved ones and sends them your live video, audio and location

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